Context Menu - Row/Column Header




Right-clicking on a column header prompts a context menu for controlling display and sorting modes for the column rows (in the transposed screen shot, the following descriptions refer to the row header and sorting of the columns.)


1. Sort Column Rows in Ascending Order

Based on chosen parameters, column rows are sorted in ascending order.


2. Sort Column Rows in Descending Order

Based on chosen parameters, column rows are sorted in descending order.


3. Hide Column

The selected column is hidden.


4. Show All Columns

All hidden columns are unhidden.


5. Sort Based on Selection

Here you can sort column rows in as-/descending order based on 3 criteria.

Selection of these criteria requires use of the context menu. Following selection, the column header is marked (as-/descending number and arrow) while a checkmark appears next to the chosen sorting criterion in the context menu.

Using the context menu function 'Sort Based on Selection' or alternatively the shortcut 'Ctrl + M' then initiates sorting of the column rows based on the chosen criteria.