Command line: PFEILBOG
Ribbonbar: -
The function PFEILBOG serves the purpose of applying arrows at both end points of a curve or poly line on the inside in order to, for example, mark the beginning and end of a curve. In a poly line, whose end section consists of one line, determining the 'inside' involves the use of the 2nd and 3rd or the second last and third last points of the poly line as points of reference.
Following the selection of objects, the start and end points of the selected curves and poly lines are each provided with an arrow on the inside. The length of the arrows depends on the drawing scale. If you pick an object located on the main track, the arrows are positioned on the main track dependent layer. In all other instances, they are positioned on the sidetrack dependent layer (never on the object layer!). This is followed by resuming the dialog. To close this function, you can either right-click or click on <ENTER/RETURN>, rather than making a new object selection.