Command line: GL_GND_IN
Ribbonbar: ProTop -> Track Set/Topology -> GND Track Set
Using this function, you can import track axes from a GND exchange database; provided the latter is available in *.mdb format.
•Track elements, whose coordinates refer to the DBREF reference system, are stored on the ProSig main track layer.
•Track elements, whose coordinates refer to a different coordinate system after being previously transformed to the DBREF reference system, are stored on a separate layer (Hauptgleislayer_KO-System-Kennung). Once verified, these elements can be transferred to the main track layer.
•Without DBREF reference coordinates, any related data will not be imported.
•The main/sidetrack attribute is not included in the track network database, which generally uses the main track layer. Any sidetracks need to be subsequently transferred to the sidetrack layer.
•S-shaped transition curves cannot be presented by the program, which presents them in the form of a substitute straight line instead. This straight line is presented in red on a separate layer. You can then use the Transition Curve (Approximated) function to incorporate the transition curves.
•In the case of curved turnouts and crossings, the starting point of the turnout and the center point of the crossings are marked and named using their basic forms and labels. These objects are then included in the relevant report and require rebuilding via the Switches and Slip Switches functions.
•Für Kreuzungen wird der Kreuzungsmittelpunkt markiert und mit der Grundform und der Bezeichnung beschriftet. Die Objekte sind mit der Funktion Kreuzungen manuell einzufügen.
•Die Stellart der Weichen ist der Gleisnetzdatenbank nicht zu entnehmen. Mit der Funktion Objekt(e) editieren kann diese nachträglich für alle Weichen (Objekt Weichenelement) festgelegt werden.