Command line: DWGDOKW
Ribbonbar: ProSig EPU -> Tools -> Services -> Change Documentation
ProSig can automatically generate change documentation. The option of whether or not to create change documentation and to what extent can be controlled via the component file DWGDOK.SDD. Once you have set the change documentation there, every time you save a drawing, the program saves various kinds of data in your drawing, such as date, time and user name. Most entries in this dialog window are generated automatically. Although these entries are displayed, they cannot be manipulated in any way.
The only boxes you can enter data in are File Description, Comment and Change Text. Given the corresponding settings in the component file DWGDOK.SDD, you can force an entry in the Change Text box. In other words, the only way to close this dialog box with OK is by making an entry in it.
Using the function 'Change Documentation' makes it possible to display and manage change documentation.
See also: