
Import of geographical information regarding Chainage, Switches and Gradient in GND-based projects

Verify the imported data



Import the PlanPro XML



Geographical information regarding Chainage, Track layout and Gradient is stored in the DB-GIS of Deutsche Bahn. The customer is required to request a Track Network Database (GND-Edit Exchange Database) for the planning area to be processed. The data is imported into the ProSig project through the GND-Import interfaces.


Supporting video sequence:
Importieren_der_Kilometrierung_Weichen_und_Neigung_aus_GND.mp4 (Size 9,1 MB)



1.Import Chainage data from the GND Edit exchange database.


 Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Import/Export -> GND Import -> GND Chainage


oThe geographical information regarding the Chainage is imported from the GND-Edit exchange database into the drawing.

oA text report provides the information required to import the chainage.

oBased on the imported chainage data, route points are generated in the drawing and stored on the layer PRS-ROUTE POINT. The Route points are used as the basis for creating the Chainage axis. The attribute 'ID line' for the generated route points is automatically updated with a reference to the corresponding line.

oThe Chainage axis of all lines are automatically generated as PSO. For each kilometer axis of a line an additional layer is defined, and the name of this layer is derived from the main layer name PRS-CHAINAGE AXIS and the name of the line (see also PSO-Layer List).

For example, the layer PRS-CHAINAGE AXIS-8981 is created for the chainage axis of the line with the designation 8981.

oFor each created Chainage axis, an associated line object is automatically created. The attribute 'Route' of the generated chainage axis is automatically updated with a reference to the respective line.

oThe imported data needs to be checked for correctness. This can be performed with the function Edit Object Type.

  Command Line: PRS_OEA

  Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Tools -> Edit Object Type


2.Before importing the switches and gradients from the GND Edit exchange database, the topological edges need to be assigned to the route objects which are automatically created in step 1, see also Assigning the Route Data. Imported switch and gradient change are thereby automatically performed in steps 3 and 4 with respect to their line chainage information.

3.Import the data for Track Switches from the GND-Edit exchange database.


 Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Import/Export -> GND Import -> GND Track Switches


oThe Track switch data is imported from the GND-Edit exchange database and automatically displayed in the drawing as the corresponding PSO.

oA text report provides information about the import of the track switch data.

oThe imported data needs to be checked for correctness. This can be performed with the function Edit Object Type.

4.Import the Gradient data from the GND Edit exchange database.


 Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Import/Export -> GND Import -> GND Gradient


oThe Gradient data is imported from the GND-Edit exchange database and automatically displayed in the drawing as the corresponding PSO.

oThe imported data needs to be checked for correctness. This can be performed with the function Edit Object Type.