
Support the verification of a topology generated in ProTop.




Generating Topology



The Function 'Check topology' can be used in ProTop to check the topology after generation. The topological nodes are marked and zoomed one after the other. For each node it can be defined whether it was created correctly or whether the track set has to be edited at the node location.



1.Start the function 'Check Topology'.

Command Line: TOPO_CHECK

Ribbon: ProTop -> Tools -> Verify -> Check Topology


oAfter calling the function, the first topological node is highlighted in green and zoomed.
Illus.: Marked topological node in the drawing


oThe following prompt appears 'Knoten ist OK[J] /nicht OK (jetzt bearbeiten[B] / später bearbeiten[N])'

If the prompt is confirmed with 'J', the next topological node is marked and zoomed. If the function is called again, the nodes marked as OK are not displayed again.

If the prompt is confirmed with 'B', the function is terminated and the currently viewed node can be checked more closely and, if necessary, a correction made to the track set.


If the prompt is confirmed with 'N', the next topological node is marked and zoomed. If the function is called again, this node is displayed again.


2.The function 'Check topology' can be executed again if necessary.

oThe following prompt appears 'Vorherigen Auswahlsatz weiterbearbeiten? [J N] (Yes/No) <Y>  :'

If the prompt is confirmed with 'J', the first topological node of the selection set to be checked is marked and zoomed. The prompt from step 1 is repeated.

If the prompt is confirmed with 'N', all existing topological nodes are marked and zoomed one after the other. Nodes that have already been checked as OK are also displayed. The prompt from step 1 is repeated.


3.Step 2 needs to be repeated until all nodes are marked with OK.