•Removing a distance along the topology for a selected route.
•Import the PlanPro XML and if necessary, inserted dot-like PSOs.
With the function 'Trace Distance Interactively' distances along the topology can be removed (contour tracking). When the function finds several topological edges in one connection point, select the edge on which the measurement will be continued. The target point is marked.
1.Start the function 'Trace Distance Interactively'.
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Tools -> Services -> Trace Distance Interactively
oAfter calling the function, the prompt 'Select start point or dot-like object:' is issued via the command line.
2.Select a starting point on a topological edge or a localized dot-like object.
oAt the selected point, a temporary vertical line is drawn perpendicular to the topological edge or to the location point of the dot-like object with the information positive and negative.
oThe prompt 'Enter distance (positive value in working direction, negative value against working direction) <0.00>:' appears.
3.Specify a distance to be removed along the topology from the starting point.
oIf the function finds several topological edges in a connection point (switch node), the possible edges are marked. Then select the edge on which the measurement is to be continued.
Illus.: Possible topological edges at a switch node are marked
4.The target point is marked on the topology. The following prompt appears 'Von markiertem Punkt aus weitere Distanz abtragen (Yes/No) <Y> :'
oIf the prompt is confirmed with 'No', the function is terminated.
oIf the prompt is confirmed with 'Yes', step 3 must be repeated.