Command line: BAULAY


Ribbonbar: -

This function is helpful when several construction statuses are included in one drawing. You can use this section for setting the layer attributes COLOR and ON/OFF in order to appropriately highlight certain elements of a specific construction status being displayed.


This principle - setting the layer attribute ON/OFF by entering a prefix along with a construction status number - is further applied in another function: The BAULAY function is extended to allow users to adjust the display of drawing objects by activating or deactivating the layer on which the drawing objects are positioned. The function uses one prefix for Show Sn_ (layer is activated) and another prefix for Hide Un_ (layer is deactivated) to control the display mode of the drawing object layers based on the construction status numbers to be displayed. Users create the prefixes En_, An_, Sn_ and Un_ via the function CREATE CONSTRUCTION STATUSES, which, being neutral in terms of prefix selection, accepts any prefix.



See also:


Executing Function BAULAY


Prefixes for Construction Statuses and Display Mode


Use of Construction Status Prefixes


Application Cases for Display Mode Prefixes Sn_ and Un_


Combining Construction Status Prefixes and Display Mode Prefixes


Construction Status Number Display