Object data validation is an interactive process that takes place in fully editable fields with the following functionalities interactively during the input:
•Edit Object, Edit Object(s) and Edit Object Type in ProSig CAD
•Processing using object type tables in ProSig Engineer
This process involves applying a so-called 'traffic light system' to the field currently being processed.
•Green: The current value is valid. After confirming the input, the field is displayed in white.
•Yellow: The current value does not comply with the regulation, but the incorrect display has no effect on technical program evaluations. After confirmation of the entry, the field continues to be displayed in yellow. The value is accepted, when it is saved.
•Red: The current value is incorrect and cannot be evaluated by the program. After confirmation of the entry, the value is not accepted during saving and is reset to the value before the entry. For example, the input of letters is not permitted for the attributes 'Speed position - left' and 'Speed position - right' of the object type 'Switch component'.
The validation of the object data, whose values do not correspond to the regulation, can be carried out in ProSig CAD at any time with the function Validation. All SCT objects are checked technically and all values highlighted in Yellow are reported.
Command line: PRS_VALIDIEREN
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Tools -> Verify -> Validation
In ProSig Engineer, the dialog for validating the object data is called automatically for each export of a PlanPro XML, see also PlanPro-Export.