•Derivation of a Schematic overview plans
•Transferring the chainage from the Signalling layout plan
•Creating the topology and the line side equipment in the Schematic overview plan
•Preparations in the Signalling Layout Plan
An empty drawing is assigned to the existing project. The drawing settings Plan type and Scale should be verified as soon as possible, as they cannot be changed after integration into the project.
ProSig system objects are automatically aligned into schematic plans, but cannot be positioned due to the missing Chainage and topology. After transferring the Chainage data into the overview plan, the topology can be generated. ProSig system objects are then automatically positioned along the topology.
1.To Assign the drawing to the Planning Project, use the Function 'Project Manager'.
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> ProSig Project-> Project Manager
oWhen the project is not displayed in the project manager to which the drawing is assigned as a schematic plan, it can be opened with the button 'Show project' (A).
2.By right-clicking on the project and selecting the menu item 'New Drawing', another AutoCAD drawing can be assigned to the project.
3.Subsequently, the Drawing attributes of the assigned DWG can be defined. The attributes can be entered by double-clicking with the left mouse button in the respective field.
Illus.: Defining the attributes for a Signalling overview plan
oThe Attribute 'Name' (B) should be filled with the name of the drawing. If no name is entered, the name of the drawing is automatically determined during saving, based on the defined plan type, so that the name is automatically assigned as 'ÜP' for the Signalling overview plan.
oThe Attributes 'Plan type' (C), 'Scale' (D) and 'Directive' (E) are defined for the Signalling overview plan via the drop-down list accordingly.
4.Subsequently, save the newly assigned drawing by right-clicking on the drawing and selecting the menu item 'Save'.
5.Open the drawing by right-clicking the newly assigned drawing and selecting the menu item 'Open'.
oProSig System Objects are automatically aligned into schematic plans, however they cannot be positioned correctly due to the missing Topology and Chainage. After transferring the topology and the Chainage from the layout plan, the PSO's are positioned according to their Chainage along the topology.
6.For the adjustment, it is necessary to ensure that the construction stage is set to 0. After that execute the function 'Transfer chainage axes'.
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Tools -> Chainage -> Transfer chainage axes
oA dialog 'Chainage axis matching' is displayed with all Chainage axis transferred.
Illus.: PRS_KM_ABGLEICH, no Chainage axis was transferred
7.The Chainage axis of the individual Line (F) are transferred one after the other, starting with the line marked by (*), as this line has the most contact points with the other lines. If no line is marked with (*), at first the leading line should be transferred. The information from the dialog can optionally be written to a text file via the button 'Output report' (I).
1.Use the AutoCAD PLINE command to draw a sufficiently long polyline. The required length of the polyline is specified for each Chainage axis in the attribute 'required length [m]' (G). The value specified in the dialog is used, but the following is valid in principle:
▪If a branching line starts at the line marked by (*), the polyline can be constructed in any length.
▪If a branching line ends at the line marked by (*), then the polyline can be constructed as long as required. The polyline is drawn from the branch to the line (*) and then shortened to the exact Length (G).
2.Execute the function 'Transfer chainage axes' again and select the row with the line to be transferred.
3.Press the button 'Assign polyline' (H). Select the polyline in the drawing and select the polyline end point to which the smallest km value to be assigned.
4.The Drawing status returns a corresponding message:
▪The Status of the attribute 'DWG status' (J) changes to 'OK' if the length of the drawn polyline was sufficient and the Chainage axis can be transferred.
Illus.: PRS_KM_ABGLEICH, a Chainage axis was transferred
▪If the length of the polyline was not sufficient, the status 'Polyline too short' is retained. The length of the polyline needs to be corrected and the alignment carried out again via the button 'Assign polyline' (H).
▪After marking an already aligned Chainage axis in the dialog, it can be zoomed via the button 'Zoom' (K) in the drawing.
8.In the drawing, on the Chainage axis of the line marked with (*), markers are automatically placed at the contact points to the other lines.
Illus.: Markings of the Contact points of the Lines in the drawing
9.Step 7 should be repeated analogously for all Chainage axis, until all Chainage axis are successfully transferred.
oThe Milestones of the transferred Chainage axis are automatically set at a distance of 500 meters in the Overview plan.
10.The Creation of the topology is performed via the button 'Synchronize topology' (L).
Illus.: PRS_KM_ABGLEICH, all Chainage axis were successfully transferred
oIf the steps under Preparations in the Signalling Layout Plan were not completed, a corresponding message is displayed and the topology is not generated.
oAfter generating the topology, the topological edges are displayed on the Layer PRS-TOPOLOGICAL EDGE and the topological nodes on the Layer PRS-TOPOLOGICAL NODE.
oThe Distance between the main levels of the topological edges corresponds to 50 drawing units in the Overview plan.
oIf necessary, Edge vertex will be inserted automatically in certain places. Edge vertex are dot-like PSO and are stored on the Layer PRS-EDGE VERTEX.
Illus.: Representation of an Edge vertex in the drawing
▪To insert edge vertex manually, see also Inserting an Edge Vertex with the EPU Object Inserter, Step 2.
▪The Topological representation can be modified by moving the edge vertex, see also Inserting an Edge Vertex with the EPU Object Inserter, Step 3.
oDot-like PSO's are automatically positioned according to the position on their corresponding route.
oObjects that are inserted in the free drawing area in the layout plan should be positioned manually in the schematic plan.
11.If the Levels of individual topological edges are entered incorrectly, this can be corrected by adjusting the entered level directly in the schematic overview plan.
oExample of an incorrectly entered Main level: several topological edges lie on top of each other.
▪Repair: With the function Edit Object(s), it is possible to correct the Edge level accordingly. Subsequently, Step 10 needs to be executed again.
Illus.: Incorrectly entered level of a Topological edge in the drawing
12.If one or more further Schematic plans are added to the project, the position of the objects are automatically taken from the first schematic plan.