Overview of Planning Processes:
•Creating the Topology (ProTop)
oImport the Track Set from GND oGenerate Topology oDeploying the XML File |
oSetting Up Planning Project oImport the PlanPro XML oImport of Chainage, Switches and Gradient Data from GND oDetermining the Planning Direction oAssigning the Route Data oInsertion of Derailers oPost-Editing the Switch Data and Crossing Data oInsertion of Track Closures oCreation of Gradient Data oInsertion of Fouling Point Marker |
oSetting Up Planning Project oImport the PlanPro XML oDetermining the Planning Direction oAssigning the Route Data oInsertion of Derailers oPost-Editing the Switch Data and Crossing Data oInsertion of Track Closures oCreation of Gradient Data oInsertion of Fouling Point Marker |
oDefining the Interlocking Station Structure
oDefining Technical Attributes of Track Infrastructure
oAdditional Technical Infrastructure Objects
oSpecifying the Track Identifiers within Train Stations
oInsertion of Reference Points
oInsertion of Sensors
oPlanning Level Crossings - Basic Data
oInsertion of Platforms
oPlanning Signals
oSpecifying Track Identifiers for Section Tracks
oPlanning the Intermittent Train Control
oPlanning Track Clearance
oInserting FMA Feed-Ins and Feed-Outs
oKey/Lock Dependencies
oPlanning the Block Systems
oDefining Local Control Area
oDefining Operating Units
oPlanning Track Paths, Overlaps, Track Routes and Flank Protection
oLevel Crossings - Dependencies and Activations
•Processing of Construction Stages
oUpdate the Track Topology
oImport the Updated XML File
•Creation and Alignment of Plans
oDeriving further Layout Plans
oDeriving Schematic Plans
oUpdating the Derived Plans
oCreation of the Cable Layout
oSetting Up the Cable Overview Plan
oDefining the Defaults
oInsertion of Cable Cabinets into the Cable Overview Plan
oTransferring the Cabled Elements
oInsertion of Tail and Group Cables
oExport the PT1 Tables
oPlanPro Export