
Automatic creation of ETCS Track Edges

Deleting the ETCS Track Edges

Exporting the ETCS Track Edge Label



Deriving the ETCS Overview Plan



In the ETCS Overview Plan, the ETCS Track Edges can be generated automatically. The designations of the ETCS Track Edges are assigned automatically according to Ril 819.1344. The Track edge labels are displayed on the corresponding track edges in the drawing.



1.Start the function 'Ranges Editor'.

Command Line: PRS_BAENDER
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Equipment ETCS -> Ranges Editor


2.Select the tab 'ETCS Track Edges'.

Illus.: Ranges Editor - Tab 'ETCS Track Edges'


3.With the button 'Generate Track Edges' (A), the ETCS track edges are automatically generated.

oOnce the ETCS Track Edges are successfully created, a corresponding message is displayed.

Illus.: Info-Dialog for successful creation of ETCS Track Edges

oAfter the creation, the ETCS track edge labels are stored in the List 'Existing Track Edges' (C). In the drawing, they are displayed at the corresponding track edges.

oThe ETCS Track Edge Labels are Dot-like PSO and are stored on the Layer PRS-ETCS TRACK SEGMENT.

Illus.: Representation of the ETCS Track edges in the drawing


4.With the button 'Delete Track Edges' (B), the ETCS track edges are deleted. The List 'Existing Track Edges' (C) will be cleared and the track edges will be removed from the drawing.


5.With the button 'Export' (D), the ETCS track edge labels are exported from the drawing, see List of ETCS Track Edges.


6.After marking an ETCS Track edge in the List (C), the object attributes can be displayed with the button 'Object Editor' (E).

Illus.: Object attributes of an ETCS Track Edge

7.After marking an ETCS track label in the drawing, it can be moved via Grips, see also ProSig System Objects - PSO - Move / Rotate.
Illus.: Marked ETCS Track Edge Label in the drawing

oBy dragging the grips, the ETCS Track Edge Label can be positioned on the track. The Track Edge Label can only be positioned on the corresponding track edge.