•Creating and managing the assignments between PZB elements and Signals or Switch elements.
•Edit the INA attributes.
•INA calculation if necessary
PZB elements are Dot-like PSO, located at the topological edge. PZB elements can be track magnets as well as speed checking devices (GÜ).
A PZB element is displayed in the project drawing depending on the setting of its object attributes.
The PZB/INA Editor is used to create and manage assignments between new or existing PZB elements and signals or switch elements on the tab 'PZB'. PZB element assignments are Logical object.
The INA attributes can be edited on the tab 'INA'. The document with the results of the INA calculation can also be assigned as an attachment.
In the PlanPro glossary, the objects are formulated as follows:
PZB Element (PZB-Element):
(Construction) type, scope and functions of the Intermittent train control.
The PZB-Element summarizes both individual track magnets and the speed checking devices (GÜ - also referred in the literature as Speed checking devices - GPE) as well as the associated attributes and parameters.
DB Rules and Regulations:
•819.1310 8 for Track magnets
•819.1310 9 for GÜ
The Track magnet table contains the information in lines 16 and 17 as well as 33 to 35 for GÜ and 29 to 32 for track magnets.
PZB Element assignments (PZB-Elementzuordnung):
Assignment of a PZB element to a signal, a track route or other objects related to the PZB element.
The reference from a PZB element to a signal through the assignment object is always filled. The link to a track route (only main routes are relevant) or other objects (INA calculation-relevant objects) is necessary for case-related purposes.
Linking to which track route the PZB track magnet belongs to (specified only if destination of track route is not identical with assigned signal or deviation paths exist). It is specified that the track path of the track route leads over the PZB track magnet.
DB Rules and Regulations:
Entry in the track magnet table; the assignment to individual track routes is now resolved using footnotes (further description details).
The PZB magnet covers ranges according to the operating range form.
If a platform is located between the PZB magnets of the pre- and subsequent main signal, an INA calculation is performed. The result is documented in an operating range curve. This shows the importance of the PZB magnet, when monitoring against stops of approaching trains, e.g.:
"At an acceleration of 0.3 m/s², the GM 1000 Hz covers the ranges from ... to ... m" or "The GM 2000 Hz does not cover any ranges".
In the data model, INA relevant data is essentially saved in the INA attachment.
INA Calculation (INA-Berechnung):
Determination of safety or non-safety monitored starting points of approaching trains on the platform.
The PZB task "Monitoring approach against signals pointing to a stop" is intended to minimize the risk of a train approaching a signal pointing to a stop after a stop at the platform (also commencing train).Therefore, the function only affects those main signals that are located at or behind platforms where scheduled or unscheduled passenger trains stop, start or turn.
In contrast to the other two PZB tasks, no overlap or distance to danger point is secured in the event of an unauthorized start against a signal pointing to a stop. Therefore, the first place of a possible danger needs to be considered. The decisive danger point can be considered:
•Toe or fouling point marker of a switch
•Level crossing or level platform access
•Limit of shunt indicator or other fixed shunt and protection signals of the opposite direction, when the main signal to be considered is a home signal
•End of the overlap, if none of the above elements is within the overlap
Integrating the functional task "Monitor movement toward Signals indicating stop" in a PZB planning basically involves two jobs:
•PC-supported analysis (INA Calculation; INA: inductive protection of moving trains) of the requirements and, where necessary, optimal position for 500-Hz track magnet (standard procedure)
•Definition of stop locations are based on operational safety requirements as well as customer interests
In order to prepare the INA calculation, first the local infrastructure conditions have to be surveyed. They may consist of reliable planning or local measurements and include distances between the 2000 Hz track magnet of the relevant platform signal and
•Distant signal(s)
•Distant signal repeater(s)
•Platform entrance (Beginning of train station platform)
•Stop locations as defined
•Mid-platform signal if applicable
•Platform end (End of train station platform)
•Currently existing 500-Hz track magnets, if any
•relevant Danger point
•Any Danger point(s) requiring prioritization
and other relevant data. The data is saved in a data entry form. The train-related influencing parameters also need to be defined. These result from the type of braking and acceleration of the vehicles. Typical values are specified for each operating program.
In the data model, INA relevant data is essentially saved in the INA attachment.
INA Attachment (INA-Anhang):
Document with the INA calculation results for a signal on the corresponding platform. In the SCT data model, the mapping takes place in the object PZB element assignment
(Quelle: PlanPro-Glossar)
Supporting video sequence:
Planen_der_punktfoermigen_Zugbeeinflussung.mp4 (Size: 8,9 MB)
1.Start the PZB/INA Editor and select the tab 'Intermittent train control system (PZB)'.
Command Line: PRS_PZB
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Equipment SCT -> PZB/INA Editor
oIf no PZB element assignments between signals/switch elements and PZB elements are present in the planning project, then the lists 'Signals / Turnouts' (A) and 'PZB elements' (B) are displayed empty. In this case, a PZB element assignment is created using the buttons (C) and (E).
oIf PZB element assignments already exist in the planning project, the assigned PZB elements are displayed in the list 'PZB elements' (B), after selecting an object in the list 'Signals / Turnouts' (A).
oIn the attribute 'Track route' (G) an associated track route can be specified for a PZB element (specified only if the destination of the track route is not identical with the assigned signal or deviation paths exist). It is specified that the track path of the track route leads through the PZB element. If the GÜ is track route-dependent, the letter F is displayed next to the symbol.
oThe Attribute 'Effectiveness' (H) should indicate whether the PZB element is switchable and how the initiation takes place.
oThe Button 'Object Editor' (J) displays the object attributes for an object selected in the dialog from list (A) or (B).
oWith the button 'Zoom' (K), an object marked in the dialog is zoomed in the drawing.
2.The Creation of a PZB element assignment between a new PZB element and an already existing signal or switch element can be performed using the buttons (C) or (D).
oWith the button 'Select reference point, create PZB element' (C) a new PZB element can be created for a signal or switch element in the drawing.
oWith the button 'Create PZB element for selected reference point' (D) a new PZB element can be created for a marked signal or switch element from List (A).
oThe PZB element is a Dot-like PSO and is stored on the layer PRS-PZB-ELEMENT.
Illus.: Representation of the PZB element in the drawing
oWhen inserting the PZB element, if a signal is selected then the PZB element can be inserted directly at the signal or optionally moved by specifying a distance from the signal at the topological edge. A PZB element inserted at the signal is created by default as a track magnet.
oIf a switch element is selected during the insertion of the PZB element, first a point on a topological edge (Layer PRS-TOPOLOGICAL EDGE) needs to be determined. The PZB element can be moved from this point to the topological edge by specifying a distance. A PZB element which is inserted at the switch is created by default as Speed checking device (GÜ).
oIf a GÜ is positioned in the drawing so that the supervision takes place over a branching of the track set, several GSE or GSA are automatically inserted at the corresponding tracks, depending on the arrangement.
Illus.: Automatic display of several GSE during the insertion of a GÜ at a junction
3.After the PZB element is created, all relevant data is entered using the function Edit Object(s).
Command Line: OE
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Tools -> Edit Object(s)
![]() Illus.: Object attributes of a PZB element as 500Hz Track magnet |
![]() Illus.: Object attributes of a PZB element as Speed checking device |
oThe Value of the attribute 'Signal assignment' (L, O) contains a link to the signal or switch element which is selected during the insertion and is filled automatically.
oThe Attributes 'Type' (M, S) and 'Layout' (U) are automatically assigned when the PZB element is created, but if necessary they can be changed manually later on. The Attribute 'Type' contains the frequency and is displayed in the drawing of the PZB element.
▪When inserting at a Signal, the object attributes of the PZB element are assigned for a track magnet by default. The frequency of the track magnet is preset according to the type and distance of the selected signal.
▪When inserting at a Switch element, the object attributes of the PZB element are assigned for an speed checking device (GÜ) by default. The speed checking device is usually arranged according to variant 1 (Switch-on - Active magnet - Switch-off) (Ril 819.1310).
oIf the PZB element is relevant for the INA calculation and covers ranges according to the operating range form, check the check-box for the attribute 'INA' (N, T). The Editing of the INA attributes is explained in more detail in Step 6.
oFor speed checking device (GÜ), the following object attributes are additionally assigned:
▪For the attribute 'Power supply type' (V), select how the GÜ will be supplied with power.
▪For the attribute 'Measuring distance' (W), the length of the measuring distance in [m] needs to be specified for the GÜ. The representation of the measured distance is updated accordingly in the drawing.
▪The check box of the attribute 'At signal' (X) should be checked, if the active magnet of the GÜ and the PZB magnet of the signal have to be combined to a PZB magnet.
▪For the attribute 'Inspection speed' (Y), the monitoring speed set on the GÜ should be entered in km/h.
▪For a GÜ either the attributes 'Energy' (P) and 'Information' (Q) or the attribute 'Accommodation' (R) are optional.
4.The Creation of a PZB element assignment between already existing PZB elements and a signal or switch element can be performed via the buttons (E) or (F).
oThe Button 'Select reference point, assign PZB element' (E) is used to assign one or more existing PZB elements to a signal or switch element in the drawing.
oThe Button 'Assign PZB element to selected reference point' (F) is used to assign one or more existing PZB elements to a signal or switch element from List (A).
5.If a PZB element is inserted at a specified distance from the signal, the PZB element assignments are visualized by the object PZB assignment. This is an arrow pointing in the direction of the signal and representing the name of the associated signal and the calculated distance to the signal. The Object PZB assignment is a PSO and is created on the layer PRS-PZB OBJECT ASSIGNMENT.
Illus.: Representation of PZB assignments in the drawing
oIf a PZB element assignment has to be removed, first select the corresponding signal or switch element in the List (A). Then select the corresponding PZB element in the List (B). After pressing the button 'Delete assignment' (I), the existing assignment between the selected objects is removed.
6.Under the tab 'INA', the attributes of INA can be edited. The requirement is the assignment of the 'INA' attribute, as described in Step 3 - Attribute 'INA'.
oIn the List 'PZB element assignments' (Z), all PZB reference points and the assigned PZB magnets that are relevant for the INA calculation results are displayed.
oThe INA attributes of the selected PZB reference point are displayed in the List (AA) and can be edited. Information on an INA attribute is given in the respective tool tip.
oFor the INA attribute 'Attachment' (AB), first use the function Attachments to create an object attachment and refer to the corresponding document with all results of the INA calculation.
Command Line: PRS_ANHANG
Ribbon: ProSig EPU -> Planning Basis -> Attachments
oThe Attribute 'Assigned signals' (AC) is used to assign the signals (distant signal, distant signal repeater, stop board) to the decisive 2000 Hz track magnet of the main signal.
The Assignment of the signals can be performed by right-clicking in the value field of the attribute as described under Editing And Displaying Complex Data - Assigning Objects or Editing And Displaying Complex Data - Assigning Objects via Dialog.